Report : institutional tools for risk management

Mercredi 4 décembre 2013 — Dernier ajout mercredi 1er février 2023

Institutional tools, systems and organisations which have been set up to anticipate, monitor and manage risks in the forests of South West Europe

During her internship before graduating as a forest engineer (Agroparitech ENGREF-Nancy), Sarah Fermet-Quinet studied and compared the management tools and systems of forest risks in South West Europe, with the help of the FORRISK partners.

She developed a methodology specific to forest health risks which involves data collection and comparison. This work falls within the scope of Work Package number 2.

Her thesis (English & French) can be downloaded below :

« Outils institutionnels, systèmes et organisations pour l’anticipation, le suivi et la gestion des risques naturels dans les forêts du Sud-Ouest de l’Europe » Mémoire par Sarah FERMET-QUINET

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